Sunday, March 21, 2010

spring giveaway

check this site out...super cute stuff and great quality.... she is currently having a spring give away and they are awesome.

Super Sunday

Today was actually a great day, got a lot accomplished around the house, and am looking forward to a week spent with my lovely husband. He is using his last use/lose vacation week this week. So we decided that the girls are outgrowing their room, that being said we chose to make an extra room out of our very large awkward living/entry way. It has been a lot of extra work and being creative, but it looks really good and Victoria loves it. We will see who is the mess maker out of the three, now that it is broken down a little bit. As for me, besides having some bronchitis issues and pinched nerve in my neck, I am starting a new business venture of my own. I have to decided to plunge into the Mary Kay cosmetic world. It should be fun and I will only get out of it what I can put into it. I am very excited, and am hoping that I can at least portray to my closest friends and family about how important it is to take care of your skin at any age. I have somethings already sold, but truly the product sells itself, I just have to get it known. That is the fun part for sure.

Monday, March 8, 2010

The hard truth

So today a dear friend of mine had a little chat with me that I was having a pitty party blog. That was truly the last thing that I wanted to do with this blog so I am going to change it up a bit and let it be a more positve look into my life instead of focusing on the bad all the time. So today I decided that I would post something positive. My family is doing great and we are fixing to start up with softball, we took the girls out practice, in the cold for a little while. That was fun to see how much they have improved, I am so proud. Should be a fun and interesting season for sure.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

God is awesome

So I had a total God moment in church this am. First off, our current building is having some minor issues, so we weren't able to have service in there. Our church body decided to go to Elk Grove Harvest, and we decided to go visit our former church home and see some folks we haven't seen in a while. It was communion Sunday, and as we partook of the emblems, my bread kept breaking, and breaking and every time I would try to sorta put it back together it would break. After praying and beginning to partake, I had to put it in my mouth like a handful of popcorn, however the good part was that during this time of pain, this reminded me that my body was the bread and that God can put me back together anytime He feels He is ready too. No one else's bread was broken or breaking or cracking. It was very just like God to remind me in the small things that He is still in charge, I just have to remember to surrender to His ways, so that He can one day make me whole again.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Sorta good Saturday

Today I felt as though I didn't have time to focus on my pain. I was the family taxi for softball games, softball practice, sleepovers and finally a make-up party. The good thing is that I was so busy that I didn't have time to think about how I was feeling until now. And I am actually winding down, and am noticing that the heating pad is really helping. It is a little chilly in the house so I am trying to stay warm as well. My shoulder is on fire as is my neck tonight, but overall I think I am going to make it til tomorrow. Today was for sure better than yesterday so things are looking up. Can't wait for what tomorrow will bring.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Profound Friday

So today I discovered that when the sun is out, I feel great, when the clouds begin to gather is really when I physically go down hill. In fact, I actually really had problems near the end of the day. This may not be a big deal to most besides a sign of rain, but it is to me so the slightest change in weather is not good. I coulda told ya rain was coming the other day. My shoulder is hurting and my neck is killing me, and I am experiencing some numbness and tingling in my right hand...not sure I am too happy about that to say the least. Hopefully tomorrow will be much better.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Thrillolicious Thursday

So today was kinda crazy busy with errands and md appt for Daphne. It was amazingly gorgeous outside so that made it ok. I managed to squeeze in a 15 minute cat nap, but that wasn't nearly enough. Followed by some serious folding and putting away laundry and endded with a very chilly softball practice. My back is really aching as are my feet and shoulder, so I am super tired, I really wish I had a pain pill right now so that I could just go to sleep, I know that would is pay it forward Friday something nice for someone whether you know them or not.